📷 Vision #mbfeb
I miss having > 20/20 vision. Had PRK (similar to LASIK) in 2005 & it was awesome, but age related eye issues still occur. Now I wear these things.
📷 Leap #mbfeb Am working on cutting meat out of my diet, which is hard because I love it so much. But, times change. Took a leap of faith today and tried something new. Tempeh. Not awful. Think it might grow on me.
📷 Below #mbfeb When your point total is below your opponents point total, you lose. Tough beat for the @Raptors tonight, behind for most of the game, fought hard to catch up, but in the end, didn’t earn a win.
Great. Now my AirPods Pro are doing the same thing as my original AirPods. One side doesn’t charge randomly.
Damn it. Was out shovelling the snow, and a neighbour asked if I wanted their kid to come over and help. I guess I’m an old man now? Frack.
📷 Hurdle #mbfeb This massive case is a hurdle onlookers need to overcome if they want to see what the device inside looks like before it’s officially announced…
📷 Spectacle #mbfeb My dogs create such a spectacle on bath day. Looks like I’ve used a radial blur here, but nope.
📷 Progress #mbfeb Damn it Apple. Was just about to post about the progress App Review has made lately. Went to get a screenshot of the words “In Review”, instead I see we’ve been rejected for something that’s been correct in the app for over a year. This is not progress! #iosdev
📷 Scale #mbfeb I recently bought this scale so I could accurately measure stuff, but it’s not very consistent. While taking this photo the measurement fluctuated between 50.09 and 50.25g. Oh well. Cheap Amazon junk.
So far I’m impressed with Flutter. Dart (the language used) is pretty nice. Sort of a cross between Swift and C#. Can’t wait to ship an app with it. 😁
📷 Space #mbfeb I recently set up a dedicated space for storing and charging all (well some of) my test devices.
📷 Oppose #mbfeb I used to oppose the idea of using cross-platform frameworks, but I’m changing my tune as I aim to reduce my dependance on Apple. Trying out Flutter right now. Impressive so far.
📷 Cool #mbfeb It’s not cool that builds are taking 3-4 hours to process before hitting TestFlight today, but it’s sort of cool that I realized I’m wearing an old school TestFlight shirt from WWDC’12 (possibly ‘13).
Twitter advertising is scary. Wife is currently in Vegas at a trade show. Now Twitter is showing me Vegas ads. How does it know? I’ve not mentioned it online. Tracking the location of her phone, linked to my account based on IP? Random luck?
You’re all lucky you didn’t get a photo of some REST API code for today’s micro.blog photo challenge.
📷 Rest #mbfeb I’m just going to have a few Oreos now, and save the rest for later. 5 minutes from now is technically later…
📷 Balance #mbfeb Something is out of balance here. My plant isn’t looking too good. I suspect I f*d it up when I moved it into this pot. Either it doesn’t like the composition of the Miracle Gro potting soil, or I’ve given it too much water?