📷 Rise #mbfeb The amount of snow piled up on the side of my driveway continues to rise… (Repost again. 3rd time’s the charm maybe?)
📷 Attachment #mbfeb My girls have such an attachment to each other, and me, they’re never apart. Usually hanging out under my desk…
Hmm, posted here via the macOS micro.blog account, and it never appeared… Wonder if my photo was too large? Will test again…
📷 Contrast #mbfeb Always a good idea to ensure the contrast is correct on your TV. My app “TV Tune Up” can help with that: www.cerebralgardens.com/tvtuneup
📷 Plant #mbfeb My home office plants. I always feel like Leon (aka The Professional) when I water them.
📷 Open #mbfeb micro.welltempered.net/2020/01/3…
It finally happened… fontawesome.com/icons/mic… :)
Micro.blog logo is now in progress for FontAwesome. github.com/FortAweso… cc/ @manton
The #AlwaysOn #AppleWatch display is killer. Multiple times today I’ve glanced at my watch, got the info I needed, and the screen either didn’t go bright at all, or did so as I was putting my wrist down again. Now we just need to let 3rd party apps be always on.
Hey all, if you have a GitHub account, please go and 👍 this issue: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues/12006 so that we can get a Micro.Blog icon added to FontAwesome. There are only 29 votes right now. Devs were able to get the Swift logo up to the top of the request leaderboard https://fontawesome.com/community/leaderboard/brands in a matter of days with just 300 or so votes. We should be able to top that!
I’m decommissioning a Mac Mini that’s at MacStadium. Anyone looking to add one there soon that would be interested in this one? Instead of having me ship it back to Canada? 2012 i7 4-core, 16 GB Ram, 250 GB SSD etc.