Dave Wood

📷 Cool #mbfeb It’s not cool that builds are taking 3-4 hours to process before hitting TestFlight today, but it’s sort of cool that I realized I’m wearing an old school TestFlight shirt from WWDC’12 (possibly ‘13).

Twitter advertising is scary. Wife is currently in Vegas at a trade show. Now Twitter is showing me Vegas ads. How does it know? I’ve not mentioned it online. Tracking the location of her phone, linked to my account based on IP? Random luck?

You’re all lucky you didn’t get a photo of some REST API code for today’s micro.blog photo challenge.

📷 Rest #mbfeb I’m just going to have a few Oreos now, and save the rest for later. 5 minutes from now is technically later…

📷 Balance #mbfeb Something is out of balance here. My plant isn’t looking too good. I suspect I f*d it up when I moved it into this pot. Either it doesn’t like the composition of the Miracle Gro potting soil, or I’ve given it too much water?

📷 Warmth #mbfeb Sometimes I like the warmth provided by a glass of a peaty single malt Scotch.

Damn. Today’s photo challenge word is “warmth”, and it’s -24C outside.

📷 Rise #mbfeb The amount of snow piled up on the side of my driveway continues to rise… (Repost again. 3rd time’s the charm maybe?)

Micro.blog seems to be down again. Updates aren’t going through….

📷 Attachment #mbfeb My girls have such an attachment to each other, and me, they’re never apart. Usually hanging out under my desk…

📷 Plain #mbfeb Some people like their milk plain, I like mine strawberry flavoured. 🍓

📷 Sign #mbfeb One day I’ll have the time to learn Sign Language.

📷 Lull #mbfeb

Hmm, posted here via the macOS micro.blog account, and it never appeared… Wonder if my photo was too large? Will test again…

📷 Contrast #mbfeb Always a good idea to ensure the contrast is correct on your TV. My app “TV Tune Up” can help with that: www.cerebralgardens.com/tvtuneup

📷 Above #mbfeb

📷 Plant #mbfeb My home office plants. I always feel like Leon (aka The Professional) when I water them.

📷 Hide #mbfeb

“Hide! The hoomans and are coming…”

Is this thing working? Last two posts (via different apps) didn’t show up.

📷 Spot #mbfeb Who has the best spot?

📷 Reflect #mbfeb 7A4FCBA7-97DA-4EAC-89FA-6657C4C41BE3.jpg

📷 Sight #mbfeb



📷 Open #mbfeb micro.welltempered.net/2020/01/3…

Introducing OTAgo, an OTA app distribution system

