It finally happened…… :) logo is now in progress for FontAwesome.… cc/ @manton
The #AlwaysOn #AppleWatch display is killer. Multiple times today I’ve glanced at my watch, got the info I needed, and the screen either didn’t go bright at all, or did so as I was putting my wrist down again. Now we just need to let 3rd party apps be always on.
Hey all, if you have a GitHub account, please go and 👍 this issue: so that we can get a Micro.Blog icon added to FontAwesome. There are only 29 votes right now. Devs were able to get the Swift logo up to the top of the request leaderboard in a matter of days with just 300 or so votes. We should be able to top that!
I’m decommissioning a Mac Mini that’s at MacStadium. Anyone looking to add one there soon that would be interested in this one? Instead of having me ship it back to Canada? 2012 i7 4-core, 16 GB Ram, 250 GB SSD etc.
Any devs I know interested in a contract updating (or maybe even completely replacing) a React Native app? DM me and I’ll put you in contact with the client. I don’t have enough time available to do it myself or I would.
If you’re a first responder, could you please fill out this survey for some colleagues?…
If you know a first responder, please forward to them…
Thanks for the stickers @manton!
Neat, Apple put an easter egg in iOS 12.2, every once in a while the new Apple Remote icon is upside down, just like the real remote…
I’ve just pushed an RC for XCGLogger 7.0.0 with Swift 5 support… . Please test and I’ll promote to master in a few hours if no issues immediately arise. #iosdev #swiftlang #swift5